Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kylee Update #2

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the late email. Her surgery was pushed back till 2:30 because there were three other smaller surgeries for younger children that Dr. Grady needed to perform. The surgery lasted till about 8:30 p.m. So, it was 6 hours long. They paged us a few time with updates, always saying everything was going well. Dr. Grady came and spoke with us after the surgery. He said he thought it went very well and that he is basically very interested to see how this goes for Kylee. We are all hoping for a great success. For now, only time will tell... but Dr. Grady said he is very optimistic.

They used small intestine this time to make the bladder larger. It should produce less mucus than the larger colon does. This will be nice. He also fixed her mitrofinoff that was bulging out like a polup, smoothed out her old scar tissue and inserted more d-flux into her bladder neck again.

Kylee was very nervous today... the sitting around forever didn't help. There were a few tears but we got her to laugh and then she started talking to all the nurses and doctors and then she was fine. They let me even go back with her again till she fell asleep. That was kind of funny... she said a few funny things before she was completely out. The last thing she said was that she had some gum. Funny girl.

She was concerned about the surgery this time more than usual. I figure it's because she is older now. She wanted to know about the knives and if there was a lot of blood or if people have died from having an augmentation. They had a child life specialist come talk to her that made her feel a lot better and explained a few things. Kylee also wanted to have us in the recovery room after her surgery. They don't usually let the parents in but since we were the only people in the surgery recovery area because it was so late, they let us go back. They gave her an epidural which was only working on the right side. She was in some pain and her i.v.'s were bothering her. Boy, does she hate i.v.'s. The Dr. pulled the epidural out 1 cm and that seems to have done the trick. They let her go back to her room which is where we are now. She finally has fallen asleep. She said a lot of funny things in there too. She is incredibly thirsty and hungry as you can imagine. Dr. Grady said she can't have anything for 2 days due to her stomach being paralyzed from the surgery. Everything just needs time to heal and wake up. He said she could have gum, ice chips and hard candy but he didn't write it down. Hopefully we can convince the nurses that he really did say that.

Well, we are very tired. There are lot more things I could write but I need some sleep. Kylee was dozing out on and off and would wake up and say that she'd had a dream. One was that she dreamt she was drinking her favorite juice and just about to eat something... then she woke up and told me that, while crying, because she realized she couldn't have it. She'll be fine though.

We appreciate very much all of your prayers, well wishes, thoughts and everything positive... more than you can imagine. Things have gone so well so far... and we're so happy and grateful for that. Please continue praying though... we still need it. We've still got a few weeks of recovery and healing to pull through. We'll keep you updated on that as well.

For now, thanks again and good night,

Art and Rebecca

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